Thursday, March 19, 2020

Gaming Club Minecraft Server Available

Click here for This server only works with the Java Edition of Minecraft. It does not appear to work with Minecraft for Windows 10.

You may be able to install Minecraft: Education Edition using your DCPS e-mail address if you do not have Minecraft. I do not know if it will connect to this server.

The server will occasionally crash or may be down for maintenance. Please be patient if it's not available. Try doing some homework, reading a book, or going outside in the yard but stay away from people.

  1. IP Address:
  2. Port: 25565
  3. Hardcore Survival Mode Enabled
  4. All actions, chats, etc. are logged. Any illegal activities or violations of the code of conduct will be reported.
  5. Unsportsmanlike play or conduct can result in permanent bans from the server.